EnigmA Amiga Run 1999 January
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 33 (1999)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1999-01].iso
Text File
1,529 lines
Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!faqserv
From: wmklein@ix.netcom.com (William M. Klein)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.cobol,alt.cobol,comp.answers,alt.answers,news.answers
Subject: COBOL FAQ
Supersedes: <computer-lang/cobol-faq_910706812@rtfm.mit.edu>
Followup-To: comp.lang.cobol
Date: 25 Nov 1998 14:11:09 GMT
Organization: none
Lines: 1511
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU
Expires: 24 Dec 1998 13:56:23 GMT
Message-ID: <computer-lang/cobol-faq_912002183@rtfm.mit.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: penguin-lust.mit.edu
Summary: Frequently Asked Questions about COBOL and their answers.
X-Last-Updated: 1998/04/23
Originator: faqserv@penguin-lust.MIT.EDU
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu comp.lang.cobol:45199 alt.cobol:14198 comp.answers:34008 alt.answers:38251 news.answers:145255
Archive-name: computer-lang/cobol-faq
Posting-Frequency: twice a month
Last-Modified: 1998/04/22
Version: 2.09
URL: http://www.netcom.com/~wmklein/cobolfaq.htm
Reply-To: wmklein@ix.netcom.com
(Frequently Asked Questions)
Last-Modified: Wednesday, April 22, 1998
(For details of what technical items have changed so far, please
see Appendix A.4 - Changes to create Version 2.0x.)
This page accessed ___ times
Version: 2.09
Additional information and corrections are encouraged. Please
send comments to
NOTE: As this FAQ is still under "reconstruction," there may
be items out of their logical order (for example incorrectly
alphabetized. Similarly, there may still be missing and
inserted "odd" section numbers. All of these items will be
fixed eventually, but not necessarily soon.
1. Copying this FAQ
2. Where can I get this FAQ?
2.1 Where do I turn if my question isn't answered in this FAQ?
3. Where can I get a COBOL compiler?
3.1 for DOS, Windows or OS/2?
3.2 for Windows/NT or Windows/95?
3.3 for UNIX?
3.4 for Linux?
3.5 for the Macintosh?
3.6 for other environments?
4. Is there a free COBOL compiler?
4.1 for DOS, Windows or OS/2?
4.2 for Windows/NT or Windows/95?
4.3 for UNIX?
4.4 for the Macintosh?
4.4a for Amiga?
4.5 for other environments?
5. Commercial COBOL Products
5.1 Acucorp
5.2 Computer Associates/Realia
5.3 Fujitsu Software
5.4 Liant/RM
5.5 Micro Focus
6. Where can I contact...
6.1 Acucorp?
6.1a Fujitsu
6.2 Liant?
6.3 Micro Focus?
6.4 CA?
6.5 RM?
6.6 mbp ?
6.8 Sinc Inc.?
6.9 Flexus?
6.10 Siber Systems
7. COBOL standards.
7.1 What standards exist?
7.2 Can I get the standards via FTP?
7.3 What is happening with the draft of the next COBOL Standard
and what is in it?
8. COBOL 6.50
8.1 How do I compile my programs?
8.2 How do I link my objects?
9. What about OO COBOL?
9.1 ANSI and ISO Work
9.2 Micro Focus
9.3 IBM
9.4 Others
10. Books about COBOL
10.5 "COBOL For Dummies"
10.22 "Teach Yourself COBOL in 21 Days",
11. Is there a COBOL to C converter?
12. COBOL code generators
12.1 T CA-Telon and CA-Telon PWS (Programmable Workstation
13. COBOL Tools
13.1 Creating GUI's
13.1.1 VanGui for RM/COBOL
13.1.2 From Acucorp
13.1.3 Flexus COBOL spII
13.1.4 CA-Visual Realia
13.1.5 Fujitsu PowerCOBOL
13.2 Sinc Inc. products
13.2.1 FlexGen 4GL Rapid Application Development Environment
13.2.2 Legacy Liberator COBOL Migration Toolset
13.2.3 Easy Query
13.2.4 ODBC Access Tools
13.3 Siber Systems
13.3.1 CobolTransformer
13.3.2 Cbl-Beau
13.3.3 Mf2Fsc
13.4 What about Year 2000 Tools?
13.4.1 CA-Fix/2000
13.5 Misc. tools
14. Other sources of information.
14.1 CompuServe
14.2 Bix
14.3 Micro Focus Faxback
14.4 Micro Focus WWW server
14.5 CA WWW server
14.6 Liant Ryan McFarland WWW server
14.7 Acucorp WWW server
14.8 The COBOL Foundation
14.9 The IBM COBOL products WWW server
14.10 The Flexus WWW server
14.11 COBOL User Groups
15. Information required for the FAQ
16. Contributors to the FAQ
17. What about the Y2K (Millenium) Issue?
17.1 Where can I get information about the Y2K problem?
18. What can/should I post in the COBOL newsgroups?
18.1 Can I get help with homework via the newsgroups?
18.2 Can I post job openings in the newsgroups and if so what
should I include?
Appendix A. Changes in recent revisions
Appendix A.1 - Changes to create Version 2.0
Appendix A.2 - Changes to create Version 2.05
Appendix A.3 - Changes to create Version 2.08
Appendix A.4 - Changes to create Version 2.0x
1. Copying this FAQ.
This FAQ is copyright 1994-1998 by William M. Klein.
It may be freely redistributed as long as it is completely
unmodified and that no attempt is made to restrict any recipient
from redistributing it on the same terms. It may not be sold or
incorporated into commercial documents without the written
permission of the copyright holder.
Permission is granted for this document to be made available for
file transfer from sites offering unrestricted file transfer on
the Internet and from the COBOL Forums on CompuServe and Bix.
This document is provided as is, without any warranty. Your
mileage may vary.
2. Where can I get this FAQ?
This document should be archived at many sites on the Internet,
including rtfm.mit.edu -- the archive site for all FAQs. It is
also available via e-mail from the author
An HTML version of the latest FAQ is also available from
2.1 Where do I turn if my question isn't answered in this FAQ?
If you have access to the web, then you should go to
Then enter "comp.lang.cobol" as the group and whatever you are
looking for as the subject. The chances are that you will find
more than enough answers already (and many quite recent) to your
question. If you don't find an answer here, then look at 18. What
can/should I post in the COBOL newsgroups?
3. Where can I get a COBOL compiler?
There are many vendors who sell COBOL compilers. Almost all of
the mainframe hardware/operating system vendors, also sell a
COBOL compiler for their systems. The following are some of the
vendors providing COBOL compilers for systems where they are not
the operating system vendor.
3.1 for DOS, Windows, or OS/2?
Acucorp, CA, Fujitsu, Liant, IBM, and Micro Focus all produce
compilers for one or more of these environments. Microsoft used
to re-badge the Micro Focus compiler, but not any more.
3.2 for Windows/NT or Windows/95?
Micro Focus has a 32-bit development environment for Windows 95
and Windows/NT called NetExpress. A student version of NetExpress
is also available from Micro Focus. Fujitsu's compiler also works
under both Windows/95 and Windows/NT. Liant has both 16 bit and
32 bit development systems for Windows, Win95 and NT. Computer
Associates' CA-Realia II Workbench Release 3.0 provides a 32-bit
COBOL compiler and runtime. IBM's VisualAge for COBOL is also
available for Windows/NT.
3.3 for UNIX?
Acucorp, Fujitsu, Liant, and Micro Focus have products available
across a large number of UNIX platforms. Some OEMs re-badge
and/or re-engineer these products for their own systems too.
Liant used to provide LPI COBOL for Sun SPARC with Solaris 2, HP
9000 with HP-UX and Intel-based machines with UNIX SVR4, SVR3,
and SCO. They no longer make this product.
IBM sells its COBOLSet for AIX.
3.4 for Linux?
AcuCOBOL-85 and AcuCOBOL-GT are available for Linux. Also, the
iBCS2 code for Linux should mean that it is possible to get some
of the i486 COBOL packages for operating systems such as SCO UNIX
to work.
There were reports that earlier versions of Micro Focus products
worked under SCO UNIX emulations under Linux. However,
representatives from Micro Focus doubt that this would still be
true with their current compiler technology.
3.5 for the Macintosh?
Acucorp produces a COBOL development system for the Mac running
3.6 for other environments?
Fujitsu COBOL is also available for IBM MVS and Fujitsu MSP.
Ryan McFarland COBOL is also available for OpenVMS.
AcuCOBOL-85 and AcuCOBOL-GT are available on a wide range of
environments, including OpenVMS.
Most major vendors have their own COBOL implementation, or have
someone else's ported to their platform(s). There are quite a few
available for CP/M and MP/M, and one is even rumored to have been
available for the PERQ workstation.
4. Is there a free COBOL compiler?
Just for the record, no COBOL tools are listed in the Catalog of
compilers, interpreters, and other language tools posted to
comp.compilers and comp.lang.misc. This probably means that there
are no freely available COBOL compiler sources.
However, there are a number of free compilers that do not include
the source. For example Fujitsu does offer a FREE COBOL Starter
Set for Windows. (See below for a list of various free compilers
and the environments in which they are available.)
Also several books in the booklists come with a COBOL compiler.
See section 10 for details.
4.1 for DOS, Windows or OS/2.
There is a freely available COBOL compiler for DOS. It can be
found on many archive sites, named COBOL650.ZIP. You also need
DPATH30.ZIP. Have a read through Section 8 before you start.
Bob Wolfe has made the compiler available at the Flexus FTP site,
It is widely rumored that the sources for this compiler are
available from a BBS. This no longer appears to be the case.
Numerous attempts have completely failed to track down the
There is a COBOL701.ARJ archive that contains a version of COBOL
6.50 with a limited number of compiles. It was an attempt at a
full integrated development environment, including an editor.
Unfortunately, no documentation is included.
Also, it may be possible to run the freely available CP/M
compiler (see 4.5) under a freely available CP/M emulator.
In addition, Fujitsu is currently offering a copy of their
Fujitsu COBOL V2 Enterprise Edition which includes PowerCOBOL to
those who register at
4.2 for Windows/NT or Windows/95?
Fujitsu is currently offering a copy of their Fujitsu COBOL V3
Starter Set to those who register at
The CP/M compiler/emulator combination should work here too.
4.3 for UNIX?
There are no well-documented examples of a freely available COBOL
compiler for UNIX. COBOL 6.50 might run under a UNIX emulation of
a DOS system, however. (For example, VP/ix, SoftPC or dosemu
under Linux.)
The CP/M compiler (see 4.5) should run under a CP/M emulator for
UNIX in a similar fashion.
4.4 for the Macintosh?
Not that I know of.
4.4a for Amiga?
According to HarriottC@cardiff.ac.uk (on March 2, 1998),
There is a freely available COBOL compiler/interpreter (Amiga
WB2.0+). GUI/CLI, largely ANSI'85 compliant takes the form of
Microsoft Cobol 2.xx ?)
This is available as postware via Aminet Dev/lang nrcobol_1?.lha
4.5 for other environments ?
There is a freely available CP/M COBOL compiler/interpreter (NPS
Micro COBOL). This is available via anonymous FTP from
oak.oakland.edu in /pub/cpm/cobol. However, Stefano Priola
(s70829@galileo.polito.it) comments :
"I've used the CPM COBOL ... I think that this compiler is
much too old to use or for a student to learn COBOL."
5. Commercial COBOL Products
In order to present an un-biased list of commercial COBOL product
offerings I've pulled in the product overviews from each
company's marketing information. For detailed product
descriptions, you should probably contact the specific vendor.
5.1.5 COBOL Workbench® v4.0
Workbench integrates the industry-standard COBOL compiler with
development and testing tools that promote programmer
productivity, satisfaction and quality systems development. It
features powerful editing, debugging and communications
facilities as well as graphical data tools - all within a
powerful and easy to use development environment. Micro Focus
COBOL Workbench supports the creation and maintenance of
enterprise-wide client-server applications in addition to
offloading development and maintenance of mainframe application
to PCs.
5.1 Acucorp
5.1.1 AcuCOBOL-GT
AcuCOBOL-GT enables COBOL programmers to implement and deliver
full-featured GUI COBOL applications on any of over 600
platforms, with full object code portability using a single set
of COBOL source code. Programmers can create graphical
applications including floating windows, graphical controls (such
as entry fields, frames, radio buttons, push buttons, and
labels), menu bars, bitmaps, and toolbars using COBOL extensions
that are consistent with traditional COBOL syntax.
5.1.2 AcuCOBOL-85
AcuCOBOL-85 is a powerful ANSI-85 COBOL compiler that offers
exceptionally compact, highly optimized machine-independent COBOL
code. AcuCOBOL-85 is portable across over 600 different
platforms, including: AIX, AOS/VS, BSD/OS, DG/UX, Digital UNIX,
HP-UX, Linux, MS-DOS, MPE/iX, Open VMS, OS/2, Solaris, Ultrix,
UNIX, UnixWare, Windows, Windows NT, and Xenix.
5.2 Computer Associates/Realia
5.2.1 CA-Realia® II Workbench
CA-Realia® II Workbench provides an exciting mainframe-compatible
COBOL development environment on the PC. CA-Realia II Workbench
uses the power of the PC environment to improve the development
and maintenance of COBOL and CICS applications. This
revolutionary technology provides a new and exciting graphical
user interface (GUI) workstation environment that operates under
MS-Windows, Windows 95, Windows NT, and OS/2.
CA-Realia II Workbench includes a high-speed COBOL compiler, an
interactive debugger, a COBOL-Intelligent analyzer, a CICS
emulator, a COBOL-sensitive editor, and a complete life cycle
manager with mainframe connectivity. Its latest version for
Windows NT and Windows 95 includes a 32-bit COBOL compiler and
runtime. Its mainframe options allow mainframe-compiled and
executing programs to be debugged and analyzed under the friendly
Workbench GUI
5.3 Fujitsu Software
5.3.1 Fujitsu COBOL
Fujitsu COBOL is the highest performing, mission critical COBOL
available for mainframe, UNIX, and Windows platforms. Fujitsu
COBOL supports IBM VS COBOL II, Micro Focus, and the latest ANSI
and ISO standards and allows developers to access, reuse, and
retarget their existing legacy COBOL applications for
Client/Server and Internet platforms while fully exploiting all
the functions of Microsoft Windows 95/NT and BackOffice.
5.3.2 PowerCOBOLÔ
PowerCOBOL is a visual, object oriented, enterprise wide
client/server Rapid Application Development(RAD) tool for COBOL
programmers. The PowerCOBOL development environment allows
programmers to use their existing COBOL knowledge to build
scaleable and maintainable state-of-the-art Windows two-tier and
three-tier client/server and Internet applications with data
access to local and remote databases.
5.3.3 NetCOBOLÔ
Fujitsu NetCOBOL is a revolutionary COBOL compiler that generates
100% Pure Java Bytecode-based applications/applets from existing
legacy COBOL programs. NetCOBOL programs execute on any machine
which supports the JavaÔ Virtual Machine, including Network
Computers. NetCOBOL is the first and only true platform
independent COBOL compiler.
5.3.4 PowerBSORTÔ
PowerBSORT is a high speed Business SORT, MERGE, and COPY tool
for handling large quantities of data. PowerBSORT significantly
shortens the time needed to sort, merge or copy data for business
processing. PowerBSORT provides a record reconstruction feature
that creates an output record by relocating and combining fields
from the input record with self-defined values. PowerBSORT same-
key feature combines values from multiple records into a single
record by adding the summation field values when records have the
same key field value. The same-key feature is used with the sort
or merge functions.
5.3.5 PowerFORMÔ
PowerFORM is a tool for designing and programming printed
reports. These reports can use all fonts supported by the target
printers and can include graphics such as boxes, shading, and
bitmaps. COBOL applications create reports by writing to a
special print file, or they can gain greater control by using
PowerFORM RTS calls.
5.3.6 PowerGEM Plus
PowerGEM Plus is a graphical tool for managing the versions and
histories of your development resources, including source code,
screen forms, and documents. PowerGEM Plus makes resources
available to multiple users simultaneously, but restricts
modification to a single user. Resources are thus protected, and
modifications are traceable. PowerGEM Plus keeps and tracks
version and history statistics for each part of a development
5.4 Liant/Ryan McFarland
5.4.1 RM/COBOL Compiler and Runtime System
RM/COBOL's sophisticated runtime system permits the maintenance
of single source and object code - and the easy deployment of
applications on a wide choice of open client/server platforms.
Their "claim to fame" is that their compiler generates objects
that are portable between platforms without recompiling. This is
why you need a runtime for the desired platform to interpret the
5.4.2 RM/Interface Builder
RM/COBOL developers can now use their choice of industry-standard
tools such as Microsoft's Visual Basic and Borland's Delphi to
develop a true Windows client user interface for Windows or UNIX-
based COBOL application
5.4.3 RM/Enterprise CodeBench
RM/COBOL developers can now take full advantage of their
client/server development environments. This new version of our
powerful graphical workbench enables the management of existing
UNIX- or Windows-based RM/COBOL applications to be handled from a
remote Windows workstation.
5.4.4 RM/Panels
RM/Panels allows you to develop COBOL based applications with a
whole new event-driven look-and-feel with true GUI functionality,
while maintaining complete object portability.
5.4.5 Relational Data Bridge (formerly Relativity)
This product allows you ODBC access to your COBOL data. You can
update and insert records from ODBC.
5.5 Micro Focus
5.5.1 Micro Focus® Object COBOL v4.0 (32-bit) for OS/2
Micro Focus Object COBOL v4.0 is a powerful 32-bit development
environment, enabling development and deployment of COBOL and
Object COBOL applications for OS/2.® Micro Focus has brought the
power of COBOL to the PC with extensive syntax support, including
object oriented COBOL, IBM® OS/VS COBOL, DOS COBOL, COBOL/370
and a wide range of other dialects. This release of Object COBOL
extends the power of previous versions of Micro Focus COBOL by
adding full support for object oriented programming and
exploiting the power of the 32-bit architecture.
5.5.2 Micro Focus® NetExpress V2.0 for Windows NT and Windows® 95
NetExpress combines Micro Focus Object COBOL with a specialized
set of tools to allow you to develop applications for PCs,
distributed environments and the internet. It includes a powerful
integrated development environment, the Micro Focus COBOL
compiler, a powerful debugger, a complete set of tools for
developing either web-based applications or graphical
applications for Win32 platforms, full support for accessing
relational databases, support for creating ActiveX objects in
COBOL and many other features.
A student version of NetExpress V2.0 is also available that
provides most of the functionality of the full version of
NetExpress, but with limits on the size of applications that can
be developed and it cannot be used to develop applications for
5.5.3 Object COBOL D e v e l o p e r Suite v4.1 for UNIX
Micro Focus Object COBOL Developer Suite v4.1 for UNIX is an
advanced integrated programming environment for developing and
deploying client /server Object COBOL and procedural COBOL
applications on a wide range of UNIX ® operating environments. It
includes: a flexible, cross-platform COBOL compiler; a set of
powerful programmer productivity tools; a set of Object COBOL
class libraries; transparent support for large files; support for
DBCS applications; user interface development tools; new on-line
documentation; the ability to execute COBOL CGI's developed using
NetExpress; and run-time facilities to simplify application
5.5.4 Personal COBOL for Windows v3.1, with Object Orientation
Micro Focus Personal COBOL for Windows 3.1, with Object
Orientation, is an educational version of Micro Focus COBOL for
anyone interested in learning procedural COBOL programming or the
new object-oriented COBOL extensions in a Windows 3.1
Personal COBOL is ideal for educational institutions, students,
training organizations and self-learners who need an inexpensive,
yet full-featured and modern learning tool for introductory or
advanced COBOL.
PCYACC 7.5 is a complete language development environment that
generates C, C++, Java, Delphi, and VBS source code from input
Language Description Grammars for building Assemblers, Compilers,
Interpreters, Browsers, Page Description Languages, Language
Translators, Syntax Directed Editors, Language Validators,
Natural Language Processors, Expert System Shells, and Query
Languages. The PCYACC Tool-Kit includes PCLEX, Visual Debugging
Tools, Object-Oriented Class Library's, and Pre-Written "Drop-In"
Language engines for virtually every computer language in the
Note the original information stated that support was for the 77
and 90 Standards (which are good years for the Fortran Standard
but not for COBOL). It is assumed that they actually support the
74 and 85 Standards of COBOL.
Contact them at:
6. Where can I contact ...
6.1 Acucorp?
Acucorp Inc.
8515 Miralani Drive
San Diego, CA 92126
Tel: (888) 767 0670 (in U.S.)
Systems Engineering: (619) 689 4501
fax: +1 (619) 689 7251
Email: info@acucobol.com and support@acucobol.com.
CompuServe: GO AcuCOBOL
WWW: http://www.Acucorp.com
6.1a Fujitsu
Fujitsu Software
Developer Tools Goup
3055 Orchard Drive
San Jose, CA. 95134-2005
Phone: (408) 428-0500
FAX: (408) 428-0600
Email: cobol@adtools.com
Web: www.adtools.com
6.2 Liant?
6.2.1 In the US
Liant Software Corporation
959 Concord Street
Framingham, MA 01701
Tel: (508) 872-8700
Fax: (508) 626-2221
Note: Liant no longer makes nor supports LPI COBOL. However,
support for other LPI products is still provided here.
www: http://lsc.liant.com/index.html
6.2.2 In the UK
Liant Software Ltd
2 Caxton Street
St. James Park
London SW1H 0QE
Tel: +44 71 799 2434
Fax: +44 71 799 2552
Email: info@liant.co.uk
6.2.3 In Japan
Nippon Liant Ltd
31-8, Takasecho
Funabashi City,
Chiba 273, Japan
Tel: +81 47 437 9816
Fax: +81 47 437 9818
6.3 Micro Focus?
6.3.1 In the US
Micro Focus Inc.
701 E. Middlefield Road
Mountain View, CA 94043
Tel: 650 938-3700
Fax: 650 404-7414
WWW: http://www.microfocus.com
Check the Micro Focus web site for addresses and phone numbers of
offices in other countries.
6.3.2 In the UK
Micro Focus Ltd
The Lawn,
Old Bath Road,
RG14 1QN
Tel: 01635-32646
Fax: +44-635-33966
WWW: http://www.mfltd.co.uk
Check the Micro Focus web site for addresses and phone numbers of
offices in other countries.
6.4 Computer Associates?
6.4.1 For product inquiries
Computer Associates
One Computer Associates Plaza
Islandia, NY 11788-7000
Tel: 1-800-CALL CAI (225-5224
email: cainfo@cai.com
www: http://www.cai.com/
6.5 Ryan McFarland?
Ryan McFarland has been acquired by Liant. However, I have been
given the following information related to contacting them
concerning RM-COBOL
6.5.1 In the US
(No address given - other than the one for Liant)
Telephone (Contact): (512) 343-1010
Telephone (Sales): 800-RM/COBOL
Telephone (General Tech Support): 512-502-9074
Fax: (512) 343-9487
Fax (General Tech Support): 800-835-0501
e-mail (sales) : rm_sales@liant.com
e-mail: (support) rm_support@liant.com
6.5.2 In the UK
Ryan McFarland
a Division of Liant Software Ltd
2 Caxton Street
St. James Park
London SW1H 0QE
Tel: +44 71 799 2434
Fax: +44 71 799 2552
6.8 Sinc Inc.?
6.8.1 In the US
Sinc, Inc
Dayton, Ohio
Tel: 513-438-5553
Fax: 513-438-5377
CompuServe: 75224,3207
6.8.2 in Europe
EasiRun Europa Gmbh
Tel: (0)6081 91603
Fax: (0)6081 916049
6.8.3 In South Africa
EasiRun International
South Africa
Tel: (0)11 421 4800
Fax: (0)11 421 4999
6.8.4 In Australia
EasiRun Australia
Tel: (0)2 955 5058
Fax: ()4 754 4359
6.9 Flexus?
PO Box 640,
PA 18013-0640
Tel: 610 588 9400
Fax: 610 588 9475
BBS: 610 863 4740
E-mail: info@flexus.com, techsupport@flexus.com
www: http://www.flexus.com/
6.10 Siber Systems
Siber systems
2902 Rock Manor Court
Herndon, VA 20171
Tel: 703-716-7770
fax: 703-716-4292
Web Site: http://www.siber.com/sct/
e-mail: info@siber.com
7. What about COBOL standards?
7.1 What standards exist?
The current COBOL standard is the ISO/ANSI '85 standard. This
replaced the ANSI '74 standard.
There are two amendments to the COBOL '85 standard -- intrinsic
functions and corrections.
The ANSI (J4) and ISO (WG4) groups are working on created the
next Standard. See below for its current status and contents.
7.2 Can I get the standards via FTP?
The standards do not appear to be available via FTP.
Note: See the next section for information on obtaining a
copy of the draft of the next COBOL Standard.
This is probably because they are very large and are copyrighted
by ANSI and/or ISO, although the issue of copyright is in some
Whether or not the next COBOL Standard will or will not be
copyrighted is a matter of discussion and argument. As the
current Standard was put into the "public domain" and the next
standard is a "derived" work, it is questionable whether or not
the next Standard will have an ISO or ANSI - or any other
7.3 What is happening with the draft of the next COBOL Standard
and what is in it?
NOTE: To see (or download) a copy of the latest draft of the next
COBOL Standard, see
First "9x" has become "0x". After the last public review, it
turns out that there will need to be at least one more public
review before it gets approved.
1. Major features/enhancements:
A. OO gets all the press
B. Common exception handling, C-ification (pointers, call
prototypes, typedefs, and everything else needed to use C-type
APIs), user-defined functions, file-sharing/record-locking, 31-
digit numbers, portable arithmetic, National character handling
(MOCS or DBCS but more so), are all some of the "biggies" that
some people are looking for.
C. In the category of "old technology" getting a new face lift
and being added to the Standard (as required) see Report Writer
enhancements, VALIDATE feature, and character screen I/O support
2. Little things (and there are too many for me to remember off
the top of my head) include everything from dynamic file
assignment (in the SELECT/ASSIGN statement), assigning multiple
values via the VALUE statement in tables, sorting tables, hex
literals, GOBACK verb, apostrophe as quote, bits and Boolean
and LOTS more
8. COBOL 6.50
8.1 How do I compile my programs?
It is assumed you have installed cobol650.zip in the directory
C:\COBOL650. In install.doc you will find some information on
running the compiler.
1. Add C:\COBOL650 to the PATH
2. Run APPEND on C:\COBOL650 :
3. The install.doc contained in cobol650.zip refers to a
program DPATH.COM to be run instead of APPEND. The DOS program
APPEND seems to work too.
4. Now you can compile your .cob files as explained in
When trying to compile sources in a directory other than that
where the compiler is installed, the compiler terminates without
an error. This restriction is not documented in install.doc,
which is probably a result of using APPEND instead of DPATH.
The compiler accesses drive A:. You should have a disk in this
Peter Mikalajunas adds:
To avoid the need to use drive A:, you should do the following :
subst a: c:\cobol650
When you type A: you will drop into the C:\COBOL650 subdirectory.
The compiler will behave normally at this point, not constantly
searching drive A:.
When you are done with a session do the following :
subst a: /D
8.2 How do I link my objects ?
There is no linker with the COBOL 6.50 compiler. To link objects
you need to use the linker from MS-DOS v3.3 or earlier.
Ralf Laemmel adds :
You can use newer linkers, especially from newer Microsoft
compiler products, too.
And Peter Mikalajunas has found that :
Tlink compiled with obj files without complaint, but the exe's
were useless. What did work was Link version 5.31.009 which comes
with Visual Basic for DOS. It compiled all obj files I tried and
the EXEs ran perfectly.
Clinton G. Downing also reports :
The linker from IBM DOS v2.1 does now work, at least on the PS/2
70. The MS-DOS v3.3 linker works fine, however.
Steve ??? <steve@mado.demon.co.uk> has reported some success with
a linker from the SimTel archives. Look for sl101a.zip.
9. What about OO COBOL?
9.1 ANSI and ISO Work
The draft of the Committee Draft (CD !>!) of the next COBOL
Standard which underwent public review in 1997 included
significant OO COBOL support. Based on the comments received J4
(ANSI) and WG4 (ISO) or currently revising it (and deleting some
9.2 Micro Focus
Micro Focus has an OO COBOL product. It does not conform exactly
to the OO COBOL proposal currently being discussed, however --
the syntax is a subset of the current proposal with a few
variations. Multiple inheritance, conformance and garbage
collection are not implemented. Also, vocabularies are
implemented though these are not currently part of the proposed
9.3 IBM
IBM offers OO COBOL products for MVS, OS/2, Windows, and AIX. (It
does not currently offer it for OS/400 or VM). There
implementation is a subset of s snap-shot of the Standard as it
was in 1995. The syntax is portable across their platforms and
interfaces with SOM and DSOM.
9.4 Others
I believe that other vendors are at various stages of developing,
testing, and distributing OO COBOL products. For specific product
information, you should contact the vendor (such as Fujitsu,
Hitachi, Realia, etc)
10. Books about COBOL.
10.1 "Advanced ANSI COBOL with Structured Programming (2nd ed.)"
ISBN 0-471-54786-7
by Gary DeWard Brown, published by John Wiley & Sons.
Apparently this is one of the few books which covers ANSI 85
10.2 "Application Programming and File Processing in COBOL",
ISBN 0-669-16570-0
by Yuksel Uckan, published by D.C. Heath and Co., 1992
This is also available in two volumes :
10.3 "Application Programming in COBOL (Volume 1)"
ISBN 0-669-28207-3
"File Processing in COBOL (Volume 2)". ISBN 0-669-28208-1.
10.4 "COBOL 85 For Programmers"
ISBN 0-444-01232-X
by Don Nelson, published by North-Holland, price 10 USD.
It is available only from the author.
10.5 "COBOL For Dummies"
To install the Fujitsu compiler that comes with this book, you
will need to enter a serial number that was accidentally left out
of the first printing of the book. It will install with this
103-2001 1699-03317-70168
The first part of the number should already be in the window, so
all you will have to enter is
Another reported problem with the Fujitsu compiler provided with
this book is linking of programs. The following information on
the problem and solution was provided by Thane Hubbell on March
20, 1998.
"When Linking you will get a warning message that says:
No Entry Point
The program continues to link however. It will not run. Here
are the steps to get it to Link properly, eliminate the
error message and run.
>From the WINCOB window - NOT the WORK FRAME window, just
the plain WINCOB window, click
Scroll down to MAIN
Select the option for "Compile as Main Program"
Now the program will compile and link as a main program and
life will be just wonderful.
PS: Thanks to Robert S. Robbins for these instructions, I do
not know if he still monitors the group, but he deserves the
10.6 "COBOL 85 For Programmers"
ISBN 0-471-92156-4
by Jim Inglis, published by John Wiley and Sons.
First edition in 1989, 287 pages.
Third reprint cost 17.50 UKP, May '91.
10.7 "COBOL: Der Einstieg
ISBN 3-8006-1673-4
By Andreas Tietz, published by Vahlen Verlag, München.
A German language book.
10.8 "COBOL from Micro to Mainframe"
ISBN 0-13-138686-7
by Robert Grauer, published by Prentice Hall.
This includes a disk containing a student edition of CA-Realia
COBOL and interactive COBOL debugger.
US price (May '94) : $55
This book may have been released as several volumes and as a
complete work. I'm not sure to which the ISBN applies. The ISBN 0-
13-140179-3 has been suggested for Volume I by William Fang
10.9 "The COBOL Presentation Manager Programming Guide"
ISBN 0-442-01293-4
by David M. Dill, published by Van Nostrand Reinhold.
10.10 "Comprehensive Structured COBOL"
ISBN unknown
by L. Wayne Horns. Comes with an RM compiler.
10.11 "Comprehensive Structured COBOL (Third edition)",
ISBN 0-534-91781-X
by Gary S. Popkin, published by PWS-KENT (Division of Wadsworth
Covers ANSI-74 and ANSI-85 COBOL in detail. Highly recommended by
10.12 "Modern COBOL Programming"
ISBN 0-394-39100-4
by Price/Olson published by McGraw Hill
Comes with RM/COBOL-85
US price (June '94): ~$55
10.13 "Object Orientation: An Introduction for COBOL programmers"
ISBN unknown
by Raymond Obin published by Micro Focus Press.
10.14 "OS/2 Presentation Manager Programming for COBOL
ISBN unknown
by Robert B. Chapman, published by John Wiley & Sons.
10.15 "The Revolutionary guide to COBOL with compiler"
ISBN 1-874416-17-6
by Yevsei Handel and Boris Degtyar.
Published by Wrox Press Ltd, 1334 Warwick Rd, Birmingham, UK.
The following information was provided (on March 2, 1998) by John
Amos concerning the compiler that comes with the book: (
CPU: Intel 286 or newer
Tutorial minimum requirements: 400KB RAM free, EGA adapter,
1.5 MB disk storage, DOS 3.0
Constraints relative to the ANSI-85 COBOL standard:
Does not support implementor names and associated
switches in the SPECIAL NAMES paragraph of the
Environment Division. RECORD DELIMITER phrase is not
supported. No support for CLOSE with REEL, UNIT, or
LOCK options. Supports static program linkage only."
The COBOL compiler that comes with this book was written by
Dmitry Bronnikov.
10.17 "Comprehensive COBOL
ISBN 0-07-909613-1 (5.25 inch disks)
by Bradley ISBN 0-07-836549-X (3.5 inch disks)
Includes a Liant RM/COBOL-85 DOS compiler and development
US price ( April '94): $60.50
10.18 "Structured COBOL, 3rd Edition"
ISBN 0-07-835423-4 (5.25 inch disks)
ISBN 0-07-836489-2 (3.5 inch disks)
by Welburn/Price
Includes a Liant RM/COBOL-85 DOS compiler and development
US price (April '94): $67.38
The above two books may be ordered from Mitchell/McGraw Hill,
Tel: (800) 338-3987 (US only) or (619) 426-5000
Juergen Linkens <R13550@WACCVM.corp.mot.com> adds :
The compiler is limited as following:
· max. 800 lines of code
· max. 4 files
· max. 1000 records per file
· max. 100 bytes per file record
BTW, the editor coming with it isn't very good either. This is
not meant to be a complaint, just a hint for future issues. I
never expected a fully unlimited compiler for a book price, just
a few less limitations.
10.19 "Structured ANSI COBOL Part 1 : A Course for novices using
a subset of 1974 or 1985 ANSI COBOL"
ISBN unknown
by Mike Murach and Associates Inc. (1987)
10.20 "Structured ANSI COBOL Part 2 : An advanced course using
1974 or 1985 ANSI COBOL"
ISBN unknown
by Mike Murach and Associates Inc. (1987)
10.21 "Structured COBOL with Business Applications"
ISBN unknown
by Stanley E. Myers published by Prentice Hall.
10.22 "Teach Yourself COBOL in 21 Days
ISBN 0-672-30469-4 by Mo Budlong,
published by SAMS Publishing/MacMillan Computer Publishing
10.23 "Structured COBOL Programming (7th Edition)"
ISBN 0-471-30580-4
by Stern & Stern, published by John Wiley & Sons.
Comes with a syntax guide and an order form for a special offer
cut-down RM/COBOL 85 or Micro Focus Personal COBOL (unmodified).
11. Is there a COBOL to C converter ?
Asking this question anywhere appears to generate much general
flaming and general language wars and very little useful
No such beast is listed in the free compilers FAQ, but an ad has
appears in the US publication "Programmer's Shop Catalog" for
COBOL to C (and PL/I to C) translators. Contact :
Micro-Processor Services,
92 Stone Hurst Lane,
Dix Hills, NY 11746
Tel: (516) 499 4461
Fax: (516)- 499-4727
E-Mail: info@mpsinc.com, mpsinc@netusa.net
www: http://www.mpsinc.com
A toolset for conversion from COBOL to several other languages is
available. A tool first produces structured diagrams (Nassi-
Shneiderman) from existing source files. Structural errors are
identified and you can edit to correct them. Another tool takes
those same diagrams and produces source code in one of several
languages (COBOL, C, Ada, Basic, Clipper, dBaseIV, Fortran,
Modula 2, Natural, PL/1, etc.)
The toolset is called XperCase by Siemens, and is available in
the US from:
Boston Technical Distribution Corp.
3 Center Plaza, Suite 440
Boston, MA 02108
Tel: (617) 248-8989
Fax: (617) 248-8986
Laurent Sabarthez contributed :
"Some years ago I was Project Leader on a software project
termed COBTOC (COBol TO C translation). The company is by
now out of business, but the rights on this product were
purchased by NSI (Network Solutions Inc., Herndon, VA, USA -
Emitt McHenry was Chairman).
COBTOC is actually a translator generator. It can produce a
specialized translator for any reasonable COBOL dialect,
given a dialect description very close to the usual syntax
notation one can find into any COBOL Reference Manual.
"semantics" peculiarities are also described in this way.
Once a translator has been produced in this way, a source
management module allows automated translation of the COBOL
source modules. A run-time library is also automatically
produced as a by-product of the translator.
The COBTOC user gets a set of C files, each being the
translation of a corresponding COBOL file. You can get K&R
C, ANSI C, or common variants like Turbo C. The overall
structure of the COBOL program is preserved upon
translation. Identifiers are straightforward transformations
of COBOL names. Paragraph structure and flow control are
also preserved, like all name space properties attached to
I/O and file management.
The C files are compiled and linked with the run-time
library, which supports data handling, edition, arithmetic,
direct I/O, file I/O and transaction management (e.g. CICS).
Executables are intended to run on any platform supporting
POSIX C compiling and standard library linkage.
COBTOC was left by my co-workers and me in an alpha release
state, mid 1993.
I don't know the end of the story, but NSI should provide
more up-to-date information about it.
There is also a project running to create a COBOL to C
converter (possibly COBOL to C++ ?) available under the GNU
license. "
Another project that can be viewed as either a COBOL to C
converter or as a compiler, is the "CobCy Project"
For more details, see the CobCy homepage at
12. COBOL code generators
12.1 CA-Telon and CA-Telon PWS (Programmable Workstation
CA-Telon and CA-Telon PWS (Programmable Workstation) are complete
solutions for designing, generating and maintaining your mission-
critical COBOL and PL/1 applications. High-level, non-procedural
design and prototyping, combined with automatic code generation,
result in higher productivity, consistent standards and good
programming practices. With CA-Telon PWS, you can offload your
application development projects from the mainframe and provide
your programmers with a complete application development
environment on the workstation.
The CA-Telon Design Facility (TDF) provides a "fill-in-the-blank"
approach for designing online and batch programs. An automated
prototyping facility assists in the analysis/design phases of the
life cycle. CA-Telon generates structured portable code for a
multitude of target environments and DBMSs. Available for: MVS,
12.3 ETK
ETK (Easy ToolKit) was developed by SEMA Group in Belgium. It is
now marketed by TOSC International, Inc :
TOSC International, Inc.
3900 Essex Lane, suite 250
Houston, TX 77027
Tel: 713 961 1201
Fax: 713 961 4989
Contact Ted Langlie. TOSC will also soon be on the Internet.
ETK works with a repository where the programmer/analyst
describes the system to be generated in terms of data domains,
elements, tables, relationships, business rules, and data
mappings. From this description ETK generates complete COBOL-
based applications that will run on many platforms.
13. COBOL Tools
This section documents some of the add-on tools that are
available for use with COBOL compilers. Further submissions are
welcomed, but please try to keep them as free from marketing
"hype" as possible.
Note: This section seems to be entirely devoted to tools that run
in or are targeted at the PC and/or Unix world. Mainframe
additions are welcome, but will probably be a while before I can
add them.
13.1 creating GUI's
13.1.1 VanGui for RM/COBOL.
VanGui consists of two major components: a design tool and a
runtime system. The design tool is a Windows application which
provides COBOL developers with the capability to define windows,
populate those windows with standard Windows and VBX controls,
adjust the properties of those controls and attach COBOL event-
handling logic to their events.
The VanGui Runtime is a Windows .DLL that manages Windows
messages, provides runtime support for the controls, and provides
a COBOL interface to the Windows API.
For more information on VanGui, see 13.1.1 VanGui for RM/COBOL
For another GUI tool from Liant, see 5.3.4 RM/Panels
13.1.2 From Acucorp
AcuBench is an integrated development environment for ACUCOBOL.-
GT. Available for the Windows 95 and
Windows NT operating systems, AcuBench combines the
internationally acclaimed ACUCOBOL-GT
(Graphical Technology) compiler and runtime system with a set of
graphically-based, GT-optimized WYSIWYG screen Painter, and
language sensitive source Code Editor.
ACUCOBOL®-GT enables COBOL programmers to implement and deliver
full-featured GUI COBOL
applications on any of over 600 platforms, with full object code
portability using a single set of COBOL
source code. Programmers can create graphical applications
including floating windows, graphical
controls (such as entry fields, frames, radio buttons, push
buttons, and labels), menu bars, bitmaps, and toolbars
using COBOL extensions that are consistent with traditional COBOL
13.1.3 Flexus COBOL spII
COBOL spII allows the COBOL programmer to create GUI or character
mode screens using ANSI standard COBOL CALL USING statements.
COBOL spII screen definitions and source programs are 100% COBOL
compiler independent, 100% operating system independent and 100%
text mode to GUI mode independent.
Automatic screen conversion tools for many proprietary
environments are also available from Flexus. These automate the
task of converting screen definitions from proprietary character
mode screens to GUI screen definitions.
13.1.4 CA-Visual Realia
[From CA's Web site:]
CA-Visual Realia is a complete Windows development environment
that provides COBOL programmers with an easy-to-use set of tools
for creating mission-critical GUI client/server applications. CA-
Visual Realia allows you to create Windows applications using
COBOL for the business logic and GUI tools for the user
interface. CA-Visual Realia combines tools designed for Windows
user interface development with powerful COBOL program
development tools. Creating a program's user interface can be as
easy as dragging controls onto forms, and then modifying the
control's properties.
13.1.5 Fujitsu PowerCOBOL
PowerCOBOL is a visual, object oriented, enterprise wide
client/server Rapid Application Development(RAD) tool for COBOL
programmers. The PowerCOBOL development environment allows
programmers to use COBOL as the GUI scripting language to build
scaleable and maintainable state-of-the-art COBOL-based Windows
two-tier and three-tier client/server and Internet applications
with data access to local and remote databases.
13.2 Sinc Inc. products
13.2.1 FlexGen 4GL Rapid Application Development Environment
A repository-based, data dictionary-driven tool set and code
generator. It supports and generates code for RM/COBOL, Acucorp,
Micro Focus COBOL, Realia (DOS Only), mbp (DOS Only) and runs and
deploys under DOS, Windows, Windows 95, NT, many flavors of UNIX,
VAX/VMS and Open VMS.
13.2.2 Legacy Liberator COBOL Migration Toolset
For rehosting proprietary COBOLs, converting them to open
systems, Acucorp, RM/COBOL or MF COBOL. User interfaces can be
converted to FlexGen user interfaces including the ability to
upgrade them to GUI.
13.2.3 Easy Query
A point-and-shoot report writer and query tool.
13.2.4 ODBC Access Tools
Allows Windows ODBC-enabled applications to access COBOL data.
13.3 Siber Systems
13.3.1 CobolTransformer
CobolTransformer (SCT) is a next generation Cobol reengineering
and parsing toolkit (SDK). By using CobolTransformer components,
developers are able to develop Cobol-transforming (or Cobol-
analyzing) product or project faster and the resulting tools are
of much higher quality.
CobolTransformer is a library with API in C++ that includes:
· High quality Cobol Parser that parses 12 most popular Cobol
dialects and that has tremendous error recovery capability.
· C++ library that client uses to browse and transform the
tree-based Internal Representation of Cobol programs. Definition-
Use links attached to the Program Tree effectively make it a
general case Graph.
· PrettyPrinter that transforms our Internal Representation
back into beautifully indented
human-readable Cobol program.
13.3.2 Cbl-Beau
CobolBeautifier does the following things:
a. Beautifully indents your Cobol program.
b. Renumbers paragraph-names, section-names, data-names
c. attach an increasing or decreasing prefix or suffix to all
paragraph-names and/or section-names and/or data-names in your
Cobol program. (Based on CobolTransformer.)
A free version is available from their Web site at:
The Commercial version will allow to specify your own
indentation/pretty-printing rules, Program you style rules in
CobolTransformer and make all programs to comply automatically.
To be available soon.
13.3.3 Mf2Fsc
Mf2Fsc is a Micro Focus COBOL to Fujitsu COBOL converter.
It converts Micro Focus Cobol-85 to Fujitsu Cobol-85 and
beautifies the program at the same time.
A free prototype is available from their web site at:
A commercial version will be available soon.
!3.4 What about Year 2000 Tools?
13.4.1 CA-Fix/2000
CA-Fix/2000, a mainframe-based application-at-a-time COBOL
remediation tool, performs rapid automated date analysis and
correction of your COBOL source code to provide the fastest path
to Year 2000 compliance. CA-Fix/2000 eliminates the tedious,
error-prone tasks of finding and correcting the date fields in
your programs. Because it can correct an entire application in a
single step, CA-Fix/2000 helps ensure consistent corrections even
when date fields are passed from one program to another or
records are redefined. CA-Fix/2000 can determine which date
fields are at risk for failing to handle the century change
correctly and corrects only these at-risk fields, limiting the
impact on programs and reducing testing requirements.
13.5 Misc. tools
13.5.1 Flexus WinPrint
COBOL WinPrint allows the COBOL programmer to make ANSI standard
COBOL CALL USING statements to completely control and communicate
with the Windows Print Manager. Forms may be designed
interactively with the Forms Editor to include bitmaps, special
fonts, colors and many other modern features. These reports may
be viewed on the screen prior to printing or sent directly to the
Print Manager.
14. Other sources of information.
14.1 CompuServe
CA has a Forum. To get to this, use
Liant has a Forum too, to support the RM/COBOL and Relativity(TM)
family of products. To access it, use
14.2 Bix
There is a COBOL forum on Bix. Don Nelson is the moderator.
14.3 Micro Focus Faxback
In Palo Alto, Micro Focus runs a system for obtaining certain
technical information by fax. You need a tone-dial 'phone to use
The number is (415) 496 7170.
14.4 Micro Focus WWW server
Micro Focus has a WWW server covering many COBOL issues. The
URL is http://www.microfocus.com/
14.5 CA WWW server
CA also has a WWW server. It's URL is http://www.cai.com/
14.6 Liant and Ryan McFarland WWW server
Liant has a WWW server at http://lsc.liant.com/. This server also
hosts the RM WWW site at http://lsc.liant.com/rm/.
14.7 The Acucorp WWW server
This is at http://www.Acucorp.com/.
14.8 The COBOL Foundation
Dave McFarland, formerly of Ryan McFarland, has begun an
organization aimed at promoting COBOL and providing information
to and about the COBOL community. Members (including RM, MF, and
IBM) pay yearly dues and in return are included in the
Foundation's promotion efforts, literature, directories, etc. and
have their company and product information posted on the
Foundation's web server. The URL for the server is
14.9 The IBM COBOL products WWW server
IBM has enhanced the COBOL you currently use with powerful
features to increase development productivity, simplify the
maintenance of your legacy code, and provide seamless portability
from your host to your workstation. Whether you're maintaining or
reengineering legacy code or creating new object-oriented
client/server applications, IBM's COBOL family offers you the
year 2000 ready application development environment designed to
do the job right.
IBM COBOL provides a complete offering of compatible, cross
platform, cross product compilers which support OS/2®, OS/390,
MVS, VM, VSE/ESA, AS/400®, AIX®, and Windows®. IBM gives you
the tools you need to tackle your COBOL year 2000 challenge while
leveraging your existing applications. IBM COBOL also provides
the tools you need to amplify your program development, enabling
you to position your enterprise to take advantage of tomorrow's
See http://www.software.ibm.com/ad/cobol/
14.10 The Flexus WWW server
Contains all sorts of information, including a copy of the COBOL
650 compiler. It's at http://www.flexus.com/
14.11 COBOL User Groups
There are a large number of Micro Focus User Groups. Rather than
reproduce the list here and have it constantly out of date, it
can be found at
The list and the web pages are maintained by Debbie Vincent <
15. Information required for the FAQ.
Corrections and additions to existing material are always
welcome. I'd like to add a section of reviews of different COBOL
books. If I am sent any reviews I will collate them and add these
to the FAQ. More information on mainframe COBOL products would be
A section covering COBOL programming could be worthwhile.
Note: I still have a "folder full" of comments sent to the last
owner of this FAQ that have yet to be applied. It is my intent to
get them verified and applied as soon as possible.
16. Contributors to the FAQ.
Many people have contributed to this FAQ in each of its
iterations. In the past an ongoing list of these people have been
included within the FAQ. At this time, i am stopping this
practice, although I ,in no way, want to deprecate all the work
and input that these people have provided. I have continued to
identify people whom I am quoting (directly or indirectly) and do
still hope that everyone who has input for this document will
continue to provide it.
17. What about the Y2K (Millenium) Issue?
· Yes, the year 2000 IS a leap year
· Yes, the millenium really starts on January 1, 2001 - but
the software "bug" refers to January 1, 2000 (and several other
17.1 Where can I get information about the Y2K problem?
The Year 2000 Information Center home page on the World Wide Web
is at
The Information Center has a countdown clock, articles on various
aspects of the problem, vendor information, this FAQ, and links
to related information.
There is an Internet mailing list operated by Peter de Jager for
discussions of year 2000 computer problems. The list has over
1200 members, and gets an average of about 25 messages per
business day. This is a moderated mailing list managed by a paid
administrator and fully supported by its members on a "shareware"
basis. Each member is asked to pay a subscription fee of US $50
yearly. (You may contribute more if you wish.)
New subscribers get a 30-day free trial.
To subscribe, select the "Year 2000 Announcement List" link from
the Year 2000 Information Center home page at
http://www.year2000.com. On the subscription form, select the Yes
adio button for the Discussion List. You can also subscribe by
sending e-mail to 2k@tor.hookup.net with
in the subject line of the message. Subscriptions are processed
manually, so please be patient. The list can optionally be
received in digest form instead of individual messages. Invoices
and receipts are available if needed. Details will be sent when
you subscribe.
The Year 2000 Forum on CompuServe has discussions of all year
2000 issues, and a collection of files, including this FAQ. There
are over 1000 members. To reach the forum, GO YEAR2000.
The Usenet newsgroup comp.software.year-2000 is dedicated to
discussions of year 2000 computer issues.
The current version of this Year 2000 FAQ is available from
several web sites, an FTP site, and on CompuServe. It is in ASCII
text form at all these sites.
On the Year 2000 Information Center home page at
select the "Year 2000 Archive" link. The FAQ is the last item
listed on the Archive page
18. What can/should I post in the COBOL newsgroups?
Both comp.lang.cobol and alt.cobol are UN-moderated newsgroups.
This means that there is no controlling authority regulating the
content of the posts in those groups. Anyone is able (but most
assuredly not welcome) to post anything, relevant to COBOL or
not. Off-topic posts (and particularly prolonged off-topic
threads)are discouraged, but it is impossible to prevent them.
Different readers of these newsgroups have different thresholds
for tolerating off-topic comments. The more that you post, the
more likely it is that some readers will simply apply a
"killfile" to all of your posts - often after sending you (and
possibly the newsgroup) rather pointed comments on your use/abuse
of the newsgroup.
You should, therefore, apply the following guidelines that will
help you get the most out of both your viewing and postings at
these sites.
· Comp.lang.cobol is the preferred site to use - especially
for technical issues related to COBOL.
· Although threads do stray from the topics, the more targeted
your inquiry is - and the more closely it relates to COBOL, the
more likely you are to receive a useful and prompt response. (If
you know that you are leaving the current subject, consider
changing the subject line in your post.)
· When asking about a specific structure, error message, or
situation, it is always best to specify both the compiler that
you are using and the operating system where you are working.
(What you may think is a general COBOL question may actually be
very specific to your current environment.)
Note: For those who are interested, the "charter" for the
comp.lang.cobol newsgroup can be found at:
18.1 Can I get help with homework via the newsgroups?
Yes, you can get help with your homework via these newsgroups.
HOWEVER, that does mean that you will receive help - you will NOT
find many participants who will be very happy if you ask them to
do your homework FOR YOU. Some hints that you should consider
when drafting your post for assistance with homework include:
· Make it clear from the beginning that you are asking for
homework help. (Most of the newsgroup participants are very good
at sniffing out those who try and pose homework questions as
"business need" questions - and they are not very polite in
replying to such questions).
· Make certain that you specify what compiler and operating
system your homework is targeted at. Solutions may vary
significantly based on this. (You might also want to include what
text book you are using.)
· The more information that you can give that demonstrates
that you really have tried to solve the problem yourself (using
your text book, class material/presentations, lab assistance,
etc), the more likely it is that you will get useful and friendly
responses. If you let us know what you have found on your own and
why you are still uncertain or confused, you will usually get
helpful responses; if it looks like you are asking us questions
without trying to solve it yourself, you are likely to get very
pointed replies.
NOTE: if you are looking for a COBOL tutor, (and don't want to
see the "Do your own homework" notes that occur in the COBOL
newsgroups), you might want to try,
18.2 Can I post job openings in the newsgroups and if so what
should I include?
These newsgroups are an excellent place for posting job openings.
Some participants (those with jobs) often wish that less of the
bandwidth was spent on job postings, but, for those who are
looking for positions/contracts, these postings are quite useful.
There are, however, some guidelines that you should follow when
posting positions - unless you like getting abusive and non-
responsive replies to your postings.
· Always, ALWAYS, include rates, a range of rates, or your
best information on what rates are available. Phrases like "based
on experience" and "competitive" are bound to receive replies
questioning your motives. The assumption is that ALL such posts
are "trolling" for resumes or rates and not serious job searches.
· Try to give the best summary of job location and desired
expertise in the subject line of your posting. This will assist
you in attracting readers that are actually potentially
interested in your openings.
· The newsgroups are international in nature, but are
dominated by Americans. If you are posting a position outside the
US, please make it clear whether foreigners are or are not
welcome to apply - and if so what visas and other paperwork is
required If you are posting for a job with specific citizenship
requirements, please make that clear from the start.
· In general, the more information that you provide in your
postings, the better the match will be from those who reply. If,
however, you are "attaching" a job description, please make
certain that you make it clear what type of document-reader is
required to process it AND make certain that you have virus
scanned the document before you post it.
NOTE: For those looking for jobs, you might want to check out
Dice at
Appendix A. Changes in recent revisions
This appendix documents the major changes that were made to
create the various (recent) versions of this document.
Appendix A.1 - Changes to create Version 2.0
Huge numbers of changes! Version numbering jumped from 1.xxx to
2.0 to reflect this.
FAQ availability details.
Added section on Commercial COBOL Products.
Removed 'what happened to Realia?' section.
Removed references to Wang, as I can find no information on any
Wang COBOL Products.
Checked all URLs, and updated/added as appropriate.
Removed reference to IBM 'COBOL Products WWW site'.
Added entries in 'GUI Tools' section for Micro Focus Dialog
System and Net Express, Flexus COBOL spII, and CA-Visual Realia.
Removed ADS/Online from 'Code Generators' section as it's not,
apparently. Also noted that Cullinet have been acquired by CA,
who now sell the Telon product.
Appendix A.2 - Changes to create Version 2.05
· Significant reformatting
· Updated OO COBOL Section
· Add URL for IBM COBOL Web site
· Added information on "COBOL for Dummies"
· Added initial Y2K section
· Added information on using the newsgroups
· Added information on PCYACC
Appendix A.3 - Changes to create Version 2.08
· Started adding Logos
· Removed the detailed list of FAQ contributors
· Fixed erroneous Standards information
· Corrected information about Liant (who acquired RM)
· Added information on Amiga freeware compiler
· Added information on Siber tools
· Corrected CA company and product information
· Added information on where to turn for information not in
the FAQ
· Rephrased the information on what can/should be put in the
· Revised the information on the CobCy project/product
· Updated Micro Focus information
· Added URL for "Dice" for those looking for COBOL jobs.
· Added information on getting a "COBOL Tutor"
Appendix A.4 - Changes to create Version 2.0x
· Added and corrected information on Fujitsu
· Re-instated the information on obtaining a copy of the draft
COBOL Standard.